Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Advice Review: Shadowlight

Shadowlight Shadowlight by Lynn Viehl
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This is apparently a spin-off series. 

I highly recommend reading Darkyn, the series it spins off from. 
Otherwise, you'd be like me and have no idea what in the total Earth is/was happening.


  1. I once tried the first book in the Darkyn series. I don't remember much; only that I didn't like it much and that it contained a scene in which a female character is tortured by another female character and I was, like... what? No.. why bother reading about something unappealing...

    1. Eek! Yeah, the not knowing what was going on was the main problem while I was reading this but it wasn't the only problem. I won't be picking up the Darkyn series.
