Saturday, July 20, 2024

Reading Update: Page 1


What a Week that was, I'm doing nothing but relaxing and reading 

He was her partner-both in crime and between the sheets.

Let me top off my wine glass 

It's been five years but to honor their mentor's wishes, Celeste and Magnus are going to have to put grudges behind them. 

High stakes, treasure hunting, and second chances 

Review: They Dream in Gold

They Dream in Gold They Dream in Gold by Mai Sennaar
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received this book for free, this does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review

She knew nothing of the place in the world she and her mother came from, and as a child she believed that they had come from sound.

They Dream of Gold was a story of how the changing tides of life pull and push us while we're trying to set our feet firmly in the ground. As a debut, this is one of the best I've ever read, the flow from one point-of-view, timeline, and setting to another was tightly held together by the connections between the characters. This type of story could have so easily got away and fell apart but the author's writing style and tone keeps the traveling sands feel discussed in the author's note. I would consider Bonnie our main character and touchstone as she blows into other characters' lives and as she's with them, readers then get tangents into those character lives.

When we enter into Bonnie's life, it's 1969 Switzerland and she's heavily pregnant. Staying at her mother-in-law's home, the household is tense and stressed that they haven't heard from Mansour, Bonnie's husband. He's a musician who's been out on tour and when a radio report comes on that the women fear could hold the answer, Bonnie knows it's time to figure out what happened to Mansour. The story then branches out, giving us Bonnie's childhood, her mother couldn't take care of her when she was younger, so she left Paris to stay with her grandmother in Brooklyn, and then as each character, Bonnie's mother Claudine, Mama Eva, and the other two women staying in Mama Eva's home, Marie and Sokhna, along with Mansour and friends and colleagues Mansour makes along his way and how Bonnie and Mansour met, we flow into each characters' pov and visit their lives at certain times in their history. From 1969 Switzerland, 1949 Senegal, 1927 Alabama, and other times and places, the story manages to give intimate insights into what happened to these characters and how that has shaped and molded them in the 1969 present.

This structure sounds zig zaggy, but I promise it works, we never info dump stay with one character, it's more of a constant flowing around as the present search for Mansour is the central plot line for bringing in and connecting all these characters. As Mansour is a musician and that is a main part of what brought him and Bonnie together, it's all around in the story and what I'd keep in mind if you're more of a linear reader to help you get into the flow of this. There were moments of quiet devastation, fierce love, hope, and strength that will keep you thinking about these characters for a long time. Historical events were in the background and forefront at times to ground the reader in the time and place of the character pov you're reading at the time, adding more layers to the characters. This was an amazing story on how other's not only affect our lives as they come into and leave it, but how we carry and pass on, whether familial, friendship, or romantic, those little grains of emotional experiences from one generation to another. There was so much to experience and feel in this, that I can't recommend it enough.

View all my reviews

Saturday, July 13, 2024


This is a debut??? 

The author and editor showed all the way up making this one of the best tightly constructed stories, especially since there are time jumps and character pov changes happening frequently!, I've read for a while. 

Hoping the second half lives up to the first and Bonnie's journey doesn't end in total heartbreak

2024 Reading Romance Challenge

I decided to add another challenge to my list this 2024 and  That's What I'm Talking About (Twimom227) posted about this on Mastodon, and I'm going for it! 

As it goes on all year, there is still time to signup (Sign-up Post). 

You all know I can't say no to a bingo game :)  Join us!

5th Bingo!

Clicking on book title takes you to my review

STEM/Bluestocking - Principles of (E)motion by Sara Read

Animal on Cover - The Bright Spot by Jill Shalvis

Sports - Undecided by Julianna Keyes

TBR over 1 year - Gold Ring of Betrayal by Michelle Reid

SciFi/Fantasy - Lord of the Fading Lands by C.L. Wilson

Fake Relationship - Her Adventures in Temptation by Megan Frampton

Celebrity - When Grumpy Met Sunshine by Charlotte Stein

Blue Dress on Cover - The Blackest of Hearts by Emma V. Leech

Waterfront on Cover - The Summer Book Club by Susan Mallery

MC name starts with "S" - Pack Challenge by Shelly Laurenston

Witch/Warlock - Heartless Hunter by Kristen Ciccarelli

Small town - Morning Glory by LaVyrle Spencer

LGBTQ - Here We Go Again by Alison Cochrun

Medical Profession - After Hours by Cara McKenna

Necktie on Cover - You Should Be So Lucky by Cat Sebastian

Single Parent - Simple Jess by Pamela Morsi

Food on Cover - Love, Lies, and Cherry Pie by Jackie Lau

Royal MC - A Shadow in the Ember by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Non US/UK setting - Don't Look Back by Rachel Grant

Arranged/Marriage of Convenience - Viscount in Love by Eloisa James

Borrowed from Library - A Novel Love Story by Ashley Poston

Review: A Novel Love Story

A Novel Love Story A Novel Love Story by Ashley Poston
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.7 stars 

I had a great time reading this with Wanda, for thoughts and comments: Novel Love Story Buddy Read 

A woman trying to get over heartache ends up in her favorite romance series 

Loved the magical realism aspect of winding up in your favorite romance series town and seeing the characters in their element. 
Loved the highlighting of romance tropes and the commentary on why romance books are special to readers but also how it's important to keep perspective on real and fictionalized. 

This definitely has romance but at times it's in that lit fiction vein and probably not first or second for what I loved about this the most. Ending has a little bit of rushed feeling but really enjoyed reading this one.

View all my reviews

Monday, July 8, 2024

Reading Update: 10%


Traveling the globe this Monday 

Bonnie's pregnant at her mother-in-law's house in Switzerland when the radio reports a body found in the waters by Geneva. The women of the house fear it's Mansour, as he hasn't contacted anyone for weeks while on his band tour. 

Not wanting to believe it, Bonnie sets out to find out what happened. As Bonnie travels the globe in 1969, the story glides around to other timelines and povs of the other women in Mansour's life. 

It's an intimate look at intercultural relationships, dreams, pasts, people, places, times, and how one person can connect and affect so many different lives. 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Reading Update 10%

Alone. In a rainstorm. In a no-name town in the middle of the woods. Without cell phone reception. 

Liking the vibe feel, light Gothic?, of how this one is starting off 

Buddy reading with Wanda over on GoodReads if anyone else wants to join!

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Review: The Au Pair Affair

The Au Pair Affair The Au Pair Affair by Tessa Bailey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.7 stars 

I received this book for free, this does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review 

A nanny job should be a cakewalk, right? 

The Au Pair Affair is second in the Big Shots series were the friends of the main couple from book one, get their time to shine. Tallulah is in a cafe across from Burgess' penthouse, when she catches a clip of the hockey player elbowing an opposing player in the nose. Even though her gut told her she could trust Burgess and really got along with his twelve year old daughter Lissa, the trauma of surviving one man who hid his true self until it was too late for Tallulah, is now resurfacing. Even when Burgess walks into the cafe and Tallulah gets those calming vibes from him, she's scared to trust herself. It's not until Burgess' scheme to pay the majority of rent to make sure Tallulah is safe with a teammate's almost step-sister, that Tallulah decides to trust her instincts and take the job. While Burgess is trying to respect the boundaries of their age difference, eleven years, and boss/employee dynamic, Tallulah is ready to act on all that steamy chemistry between them, but wants to keep it no strings. Burgess knows they have the real thing though, he'll accept nothing but hearts fully committed. 

“Give me a chance to show you that you’re safe with me.”

I had no problems jumping into the series here and liked how the story got rolling right away. Tallulah and Burgess had palpable heat right away, something that Bailey excels at and was much appreciated. Bailey also knew what she was doing when she made Burgess the one who wanted their relationship to be real and committed. Having him lay his cards out right away, his serious feelings for Tallulah, worked because it plays into his more mature age, thirty-seven, and helps take away any ick feelings to their boss/nanny relationship with giving Tallulah the decision making control. Tallulah wants to sleep with Burgess but is still working to fully reclaim her daring, live life to the fullest self after her traumatic experience (we get Tallulah telling Burgess about what happened later in the story). Burgess was never pushy but never let an opportunity to show Tallulah who he was pass-by, he says he'll be her bodyguard when she's nervous to do some daring bucket list items, like skinny dipping. It all works because he's there supporting her, while having the hots for her, and Tallulah's in the driver's seat for their encounters but always getting tempted by Burgess. 

Tallulah did a little skip as she reached him and his heart followed suit. Yeah. Yeah, she was worth trying for. 

Along with Tallulah learning to trust herself again, there's some of Burgess having angst over his age and how it's leading to the eventual end of his career and how he's having issues connecting with his daughter Lissa. There's not a lot of hockey in this, more like peripherally job shading in but how Tallulah bonds with Lissa and helps Burgess' relationship with his daughter definitely added a sweet strengthening block to their relationship. Just when Tallulah is deciding to fully go with her gut, some of the danger on the horizon hinted at comes into play and the second half has an angst moment where Lissa's preteen emotions and hopes throws a wedge into Tallulah and Burgess' relationship and when Burgess gets a serious injury, he lashes out with hurtful words, shattering some of that trust Tallulah had built up. 

He usually defended other people, but . . . she’d come to his defense? 

The third act breakup happens early enough in the latter second half, that we get a good look at Burgess actionable working for it to get Tallulah back and a believable working through her emotions Tallulah. A little forced proximity at the wedding of book one's couple, will probably delight readers of the series as they get another look at their HEA. Overall, this felt more refined than earlier works of Bailey I've read and I thought made this read even better, the hotness is still there but I believed in the emotion even more. There feels like a set-up happening between one of Burgess' teammates and the teammate's not quite step-sister that has me desperately wanting to read their book and I hope it's next in the series. This, had Burgess knowing what he wants and won't compromise for it but always supporting and protecting and Tallulah building herself back up with her own strength but only growing stronger when she leaned on Burgess' support, and hotness, don't forget the hotness.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Reading Update: Page 1

The NHL season is over, Congrats, Panthers!, but summer calls for a Tessa Bailey 

Tallulah needs the money to keep studying to be a marine biologist, so she jumps at the chance to be a live-in nanny. 

Burgess is a hockey veteran and newly single dad, whose daughter wants her parents back together, even as he tries to get back on the dating scene. 

I think we all know where this is headed! Tallulah and Burgess have that inconvenient chemistry that has Tallulah trying to walk away, and Burgess putting it on the line for his second chance