Tuesday, September 14, 2021

#TBRChallenge: September - Unusual (Time/Location/Profession)


This #TBRChallenge is set-up by @SuperWendy (blog). Besides the theme months, this is a pretty relaxing challenge. On the third day of every month participants are encouraged to use the hashtag TBRChallenge and discuss the book they plucked from obscurity. I decided to make a personal rule that a book had to be in my TBR for at least 5 years.

I ended up missing August's TBRChallenge and I had a book picked out that I really wanted to get to 😢 Vacation and preparing for the start of Halloween Bingo just sucked all the time away. But I'm back! I almost forgot but @SuperWendy and her dedicated awesome tweeting reminded me. Most of my library checkouts and holds are occupied by Halloween Bingo right now and I didn't have as much time to put into looking for a perfect fit book as I would like but for September's Unusual theme, I have come up with Lady Katherne's Wild Ride by Jeane Westin. Now, the hero is an actor but stay with me, it's set in the Restoration period. I've read about hero actors and stories taking place in the Restoration period but not Together. So, totally works, right? I may be reaching but time, means, and all that. I'm not completely sure when I got this book but it was in my garage sale box, so around ten years ago, I'd unscientifically say. 

Looking forward to some steaming behind-the-curtain action and with synopsis quotes like:  
But the night she foils his lecherous plan to steal her virtue, she becomes a suspected murderess with a bounty on her head. and Jeremy Hughes is notorious for both for his performances upon the stage and in the bedchamber.
Lecherous! Murderess! Notorious! 
This should be fun, hopefully.


August - N/A

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