*The books eligible could be published in any year, they simply had to be read by me in 2016
Clicking on book cover brings you to my review if I wrote one or Goodreads page if I didn't
1. Annis Pottinger - Hot for the Scot by Janice Maynard
The heroine's landlady for her stay in Scotland starts off tough and crabby but as the story goes on we learn more about her. Annis' backstory will have you feeling for her and her personality adds much to the story.
2. Vitus and Damascus - Dangerous to Know by Dawn Ryder
A solider sent to rescue a senator's daughter, they end up falling in love. The senator objects and lies, betrayal, and longing ensues. This couple was a secondary plotline in the story but their drama jumped off the pages for me and I can't wait to read their story.
3. Nautical Feel - The Wayward One by Danelle Harmon
This is an outside the box pick but the author did such a great job with writing and giving us a nautical feel, I really did feel like it was a secondary character. The vast majority of the scenes take place on Ruaidri's ship and the author did a great job of describing the ship and setting the feeling of the atmosphere without making it feel like I was looking at a diagram or being lectured to.
4. Gavin Whitridge, Duke of Baynton - The Match of the Century by Cathy Maxwell
This poor guy, his brother somewhat resents him, oddly, because of all the responsibility Gavin has as the Duke and this same brother falls in love with Gavin's fiancee. The fiancee doesn't bother to tell the duke she wants to break the betrothal. She lets him cater to her all the while thinking about the brother. I liked Gavin's stoicism and broodiness, he's a hero who will be a tough nut to crack and I can't wait to see him fall.
5. Gabriel - Deception Island by Brynn Kelly
Gabriel is the hero's former friend, current leader of The Lost Boys, and the villain of the story. That's right the villain, but why I chose him was because of the amazing complexity the author gives him. Gabriel does horrendous things but his background story, maybe doesn't excuse him, but certainly gives some understanding and will have you revisiting the argument of nature vs. nurture.
6. Hero's six brothers and KGI members - The Darkest Hour by Maya Banks
Yes, I just basically picked the whole cast of the story. Usually, having this many names thrown at me feels overwhelming but it worked here as the author did an amazing job writing them as individuals but knitting them together in a cohesive group. They were fun and intriguing to read about and made me want to gobble up every book in the series.
7. Lena and Augustus - Forevermore by Kristen Callihan
Readers of the series know Lena as the former villain but here we get her backstory and a clearer picture for her rhymes and reasons. We also get a clearer picture of Augustus, Final Judgment and the father of the S.O.S. Lena and Augustus' long, suffering, and enduring relationship was a nice other side of the coin to Sin and Layla's (main couple) fresh and young one. While Augustus and Lena made appearances throughout the series, they were always to the sidelines. Here we find out that they were the puppeteers all along.
8. Dixie - Run to You by Rachel Lacey
The hero's grandmother who is dying and not so subtly makes her last wish to see her grandson settled with a nice woman. The way the hero dotes on his grandmother was sweet and Dixie's caring and shenanigans will have her stealing your heart.
9. Bran - Scandalous Desires by Elizabeth Hoyt
Charming Mickey's protege, we get to see Bran go from trusted confidante friend, to shunned betrayer. With his tough childhood, hard exterior, and glimpse at a heart, I'm dying for his redemption story.
10. Charlie - Four Nights with the Duke by Eloisa James
The heroine's nephew, he was an adorable and sweet character. His interactions with the hero, brought out an emotional element that greatly enhanced the hero's character.
Lena and Augustus

The finality of the series and how much I loved it, might be influencing this pick but their tortured love story had me hook, line, and sinker.

Agree, Disagree? Who was your favorite secondary character from 2016?
Next up, Best Scene.......
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