Saturday, January 16, 2021

The Romancies - Part 7: Favorite Contemporary, Historical, and Book of 2020


The following are my top ten contemporary and historical books I had the privilege of reading this year. (In no particular order) 

*The books eligible could be published in any year, they simply had to be read by me in 2020. 
Clicking on book cover brings you to my review if I wrote one or Goodreads page if I didn't.



This drew inspiration from Elizabeth and Darcy's personality conflicts from Pride and Prejudice and added some fake relationship to produce an actual romcom. The opposites attract was clear right away and I loved Elle and Darcy's connection was apparent to be building with each meeting; they emotionally fit into each other's grooves. This was a character driven and open bedroom door story and I loved going on their emotional journey, the bit of spice, and the funny, sweet, and heartfilled romcom tone. Definitely want to pick this one up!

2018 Winner



I'm sure you all are surprised. I still feel wrung out from reading and discussing this book! I'm almost glad not all romance is this intense, I'd only be able to read four books a year if they were all this emotional. The characters had more depth and layers than most people I know in real life, the plethora of emotions swirling around, and the sheer talent of story and character crafting going on here make this a book I'll never forget. If you can find this book, grab it with both hands and don't let go. Then find the buddy read posts I did on GoodReads for this and come talk to me about it, I'll never tire of discussing Bliss.

2018 Winner

Favorite Contemporaries and Historicals

What were your favorite books read in 2020?

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