My rating: 3 of 5 stars
2.5 stars
I received this book for free, this does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
There was no way out. They were trapped.
A paranormal series about werewolves that work for the Houston SWAT team, The Wolf is Mine gives us Officer Connor Malone and Kat Davenport's romance. I'm new to the series and while I was surprised at how easy it was to pick up here, I think I did miss some world-building regarding the supernatural aspects of being a werewolf. There's obviously a wide cast of characters, this is book thirteen in the series, but I never felt overwhelmed with some issues and moments looking at past couples. This starts off, I imagine, right where the last book ended, with a couple from the pack missing and Connor and a few other pack members going to look for them. Paranormal can be fun with it's wild aspects and we definitely get that here with Kat, literally, having been a cat adopted by Connor and the pack after coming up to them at a scene they were working nine months ago. Kat is a witch who has been binded as a familiar by a power hungry warlock, Marko, after he killed her whole coven and only changes back to a human for fourteen days out of the year. When her change is coming up, she doesn't want Connor to see and leaves for three days.
Magic simply existed. It wasn’t good or evil. But the people who used magic could sure as hell be good or evil.
Kat's story gets intertwined with Connor and the pack's as Marko is responsible for the missing pack couple and a string of teenager kidnappings they have also been working. When Kat turns back into a human, she decides it's time to tell Connor the truth and suddenly she's saving him and other pack members with magic, revealing that she was the cat all along and a witch. The falling in love here was very rushed, it could make sense from Kat's point-of-view, she had her human mind in her cat body, so every time Connor was sweet to her and her falling asleep on his chest every night, gave her time and substance to fall in love with him, I found the speed of Connor falling in love with her less so. For the nine months, Connor has only saw her as a cat (I tried not to keep thinking about him cleaning her litter box, lol), so in a few days, this story takes place over fourteen days, when he's claiming she's his soulmate, I can't say I felt it. There was talk of The One for werewolves, so maybe I'm missing some previous paranormal world-building here but just using The One felt like a cop-out for putting in the work to give us the emotional building blocks to their romance.
Taking a few careful steps forward, Kat threw herself into his arms, dragged his head down, and captured his lips with hers.
The battling between the werewolves and witches and warlocks filled this with a good amount of action scenes. The scenes at times had cool descriptions, werewolves claws coming out, the magic creating sims monsters (magical stones in the middle of debris built up monsters) that provided some details that created visually dazzling scenes in my mind. There was also a lot of, what I call, tv show Supernatural-ish scenes of Connor and the others just being hit in the chest with magical blows that sent them flying off their feet over and over again, making you wonder if Marko and his coven are so powerful, why don't they do more than just throw them around?
She refused to let the man she loved get hurt.
By half-way through, Kat and Connor both consider each other soulmates and it's really just about the skirmishes they have with Marko and his witches and warlocks working for him as they kidnap kids and putting together Marko's final plan. Connor's sister Jenna shows up and we get some backstory about how when he was younger his sisters went missing for a time and only Jenna was found, she couldn't remember what happened to her older sister Hannah but talked about monsters, causing no one to believer her and call her crazy. It's a storyline that I thought might be incorporated with Marko but it looks like it was all set-up to bring Jenna and, who I'm pretty sure is going to be her love interest, Connor's packmate Trevor together. The ending gives us a final action scene and then a wrap-up with more than one happily after.
I missed some supernatural world-building, both of the werewolves and witches, it seemed like witches and magic were new to the werewolves by how they reacted when Kat revealed herself and when she used her magic but then later in the story a character called Davina who was a witch who worked with the SWAT team occasionally gets called in to help them, so they knew about witches already, I'm not sure that all made sense to me. I enjoyed the action scenes but there wasn't enough to the falling in love for me. Even though I was new to the world, I had fun jumping in here and I'm sure readers of the series will enjoy the reveal of the SWAT team's cat being a human Kat.