Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Semi- Rant Review: The Seduction

The Seduction The Seduction by Laura Lee Guhrke
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This is one I probably would have rated a little higher if I had read it years ago but the hero is stealing historical artifacts from Egypt and then selling them to dealers that either sell them to private citizens or British museums. It gets brought up a lot and the hero's attitude in the beginning towards it just left a bad taste in my mouth. 

"But isn't it illegal to do all this digging?" 
"Technically, yes, although it depends." He grinned at her, and the firelight cast his face in amber glow and black shadow, making him seem more wicked than ever. "If you bribe the proper officials, you can get away with anything." 
"Really, Trevor," she said, "it's all right to steal, if the bureaucrats are on your side?" 
"If I didn't do it, someone else would." His grin faded, and he looked away, idly poking the fire. "I suspect your father would understand that. He grew up in poverty. But I don't suppose that sort of logic would cut any ice with someone like you." 
"What do you mean, someone like me?" 
"Have you ever been without money, Maggie? Have you ever known what it was like to live hand- to-mouth? To be completely on your own with no money and not many ways to earn it? Well, I have, and I can tell you it's no summer picnic on the Thames. It's no exciting adventure. It's just hell, pure and simple." 

Depending how you feel about the above quote, would probably decide how well you took hero and thus, how well you will enjoy the story. Cringe-y was my lasting thought.

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