Thursday, October 11, 2018

Reading Update: 30%

White is for Witching - Helen Oyeyemi

Why do people go to these places, these places that are not for them? It must be that they believe in their night vision. They believe themselves able to draw images up out of the dark. But black wells only yield black water.
Holy shit, this is creepy af. Has anyone else ever read this? It's about a twin siblings, the girl has pica (psychological disorder that drives people to eat non-nutritious things, ex. chalk), their mother was killed abroad, their father is drowning in grief, and the house seems to be haunted. 
If you saw the movie Hereditary, this kind of has the same tone with grief, sense of dread, and possible haunting horror. This line about grief was oof to the emotions: Waiting, now, for the day Lily died to be over, but for some reason that day will not stop.
I started this last night and spooked myself out a couple times. 

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