Friday, August 16, 2024

Review: Bride

Bride Bride by Ali Hazelwood
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Buddy Read this with the wonderful Wanda, for all our thoughts, quotes, and comments: Bride buddy read 

Thought Misery had a bit of an Ilona Andrews heroine vibe, which made me wish for more than one pov (Misery's) so that I could get more depth on some of the plot threads and character emotions. 

Some surprises and steamy scenes, and I would definitely jump on board again if Owen every gets his own book. 

A little bit of Gothic vibes, mystery, suspense, and romance, with more of a New Adult tone, to me.

View all my reviews


  1. I absolutely loved this one. It was familiar yet different. I do hope there are more books in the world!

    1. One of my friends on GRs put that they hope Serena and Mick get paired up and I almost lost my mind with how good that sounds lol
