Monday, October 9, 2023


All of a sudden he could see that the old saying—a woman’s breast should fit into a champagne glass—was absolutely true. And here he’d gone for women whose breasts would fit into the ice bucket.

"the old saying" ???????????

*so another instance of a romance book furthering my education. This has to do with Marie Antoinette and rumorish historical "fact" that champagne glasses (not the tall flute, small margarita like champagne ones, I was confused asf lol) are the size they are because they were measured by the queen's breast. I can't believe I didn't already know this. ME. Historical fun fact has taken 1st in bar trivia ME. Lost my mind. 
This was, easily, an hour worth of conversation in casa Whiskey.


  1. I had not heard that either, much less in books.... one learns something new everyday, isn't it?

    1. It's amazing the trivia I pick up from romance books lol
