My rating: 2 of 5 stars
2.4 stars
This read probably/exactly how you would expect a bodice ripper of 1986 to. The hero is banging everyone (but not the heroine's mom this time!) in beginning, he alpha af but also pretty dang sensitive/loving to heroine's needs, the heroine is a virgin but this time she takes her agency in both hands and shoves it at the hero until he bangs her, there is adventure, but the Absarokee tribe (hero) was actually shown in a culturally sensitive light and seems to be fairly well researched, thee drama with relationship Betrayal (misunderstandings forced), and the start of an epic family dynasty.
You can start to see the cringe elements from '70s & '80s bodice rippers falling away and the '90s heroine emerging.
Adventure in the west (modern day Montana), epic leads, villains being villainous, annoyingly forced that made the story feel dragged out Misunderstanding, and, wait for it, FOOTNOTES. I love footnotes, especially historical ones, in historical romance because I'm a geek.
Bodice ripper lite, an interesting story in regards to it's transitional feel.
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