Wednesday, January 20, 2021

TBRChallenge Reading Update: 100%


So this starts off with Rob agreeing to hike the rest of the trail to Inverness with Merry and while YEAH also he still has NOT told her he's an alcoholic.

“It was my brother.” His gaze dropped to the ground between their legs. “She left me for my brother.”

WHAT??? Holy hell. Are we going to get to meet Rob's brother???

“I felt angry. Really angry.”
“At all these people who cared about me. Because they cared about that man I was pretending to be, whose shoes I never felt at home in. I resented my wife every time she begged me to get help so I could go back to being the man she’d married. Because that man had only ever been an act. She’d never even met the me you have, let alone loved him.”

Oh the pain of this but I like how it doesn't place blame on his wife for not being caring enough. It's a messed up situation of stupid 'accepted' and not 'accepted' societal rules and Rob not having the strength or maturity yet to be himself. 

Rob pointed to a sign hanging above the display. “Going out of business.”
“Oh, what a shame. If I were a millionairess, I’d buy it myself.”

Oh my god, Rob is going to buy this for her, isn't he??? This is how she's going to end up staying in Inverness!!!!

Ok, at 80% Rob finally tells, well let's be honest, he's forced to tell Merry that he is an alcoholic. I don't know how I feel about such a late reveal to Merry. 

How could he have pretended they’d shared such a real connection, when he’d hidden half of who he was to her?

Yep, I knew this was going to be a problem. I don't know, when I think back on it, I do think he shared the elements of this even if he didn't outright name it. I don't know, I don't like the late reveal but I think I can live with it. But I definitely see how Merry would have anger.

You’re a broken man, Robert Rush, not fit for this world. He flipped off the lights and shut the door quietly at his back. Don’t let yourself forget that ever again.

NOOOOO, WHYYYYYYY How does he just leave???? This scene was awful and I'm so angry at Rob.

So Merry ends up leaving and going back home and I feel her shell shocked. There's really none of that friend settling I was looking for from the beginning and I wish we could have gotten some scenes from that. 

Write to arrange a date if you like, or to tell me to fuck off. But unless I hear from you, I’ll be waiting every Tuesday, hoping maybe I’ll see you walking toward me down the pavement.

Eight months go by and then Merry receives a letter from Rob. Rob explains some things but I still feel like his alcoholism reveal came too late for a longer settling out that I need from it.

A good idea? She couldn’t say, but it was the only one her heart was going to let her make. She knew that, surely as she knew the sky above Inverness today was blue. Surely as she felt acceptance and admiration every time Rob’s gaze alighted on her. Attraction, affection. The seeds of love, already planted, ready to grow if only they could find their way to fostering them.

There is some warring in Merry but she comes to this conclusion pretty quick but I guess this would be where those eight months come into play, she's had time to process. 

When they meet on the street in Inverness, I almost lost it. These two have come so far and I liked how McKenna captured all those new feelings and old that they had already fostered. Ending still wrapped up a bit too quickly for me.

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