Like the Oscars but way more prestigious ;)
Glancing at the GoodReads Romance nominees and winner (same author for the 3rd yr in row? c'mon now) has me twitching again. So, you know what that means, I have to open my big fat mouth and talk about the books I think should get some recognition. After doing this a couple years in a row now, I really enjoy the wrap up to the year this gives me and reminiscing about all the great stories, lines, and moments romance books have given me.
The books eligible could be published in any year, they simply had to be read by me in 2017. There will be 9 categories and I'm going to try and post them every Tuesday and Thursday, with the final category and wrap-up coming sometime after Christmas.
Without further ado, let me kick off the award show tonight with BEST COVER
(click on cover for my review if I wrote one and if I didn't directed to GoodReads page)
1. Addicted by Elle Kennedy - I thought the cover perfectly captured the sexy rough and tumble vibe of the story. I like how the blue is eye catching but still manages to pull of a gritty feel. Even though I want to tell the hero to let that shirt go, the cover still entices me to pick up the book.
2. These Old Shades by Georgette Heyer - It looks like a painting and helps give an authentic feel to it being a historical romance; I feel like the historical part is actually going to show up in the story. The pinks pop and if I had the book, I'd probably display it front cover facing out.
3. Seized by Love by Susan M. Johnson - Look, my first romances were Kathleen Woodiwiss, Rosemary Rogers, and the like. While I've been able to move on or better understand some of the problematic issues of these trailblazers, I can't let go of their dramatic covers. They sing to my soul and I get giddy thinking of the crazy pants ride that could be hidden inside. Thee Drama, y'all!
4. The Diabolical Miss Hyde by Viola Carr - This is eye catching simply for the fact it looks dark, intense, and fresh. I feel like the story is going to be paranormal fun and something new.
5. A Change of Heart by Sonali Dev - Her eye catches my eye. :) This cover gives me the impression the heroine is going to be sly, adventurous, and daring. I'll sign up for that ride every time.
6. Good Girls Do by Cathie Linz - This cover epitomizes what Chik-lit books should be: fun, wild, and a little crazy.
7. The Right Kind of Rogue by Valerie Bowman - Gorgeous. Just gorgeous. The pretty pink, sweep of her dress, and the night time setting combine for one gorgeous cover.
8. Slow Burn by Pamela Clare - I had a fireman book cover make the nominee list last year, so, tradition? Again, come to mama lust Reasons at work here.
9. Discovery of Desire by Susanne Lord - Adventure shouts from this cover. I, of course, instantly start imagining a The Mummy or Indiana Jones like ride awaiting and that makes this cover irresistible to me.
10. My Fair Princess by Vanessa Kelly - The coloring, such a pretty peach, draw my eye but what really has me itching to pick up the book is the way the hero is gripping her dress; there's some great trying to contain want and desire but failing.
11. Hate to Want You by Alisha Rai - When I pick covers for this, I really try not to let my feelings for the story bleed over into my feelings on the cover; try to keep it strictly visual. I'm not sure I fully accomplished that here (this book will popping be up a lot in future categories). The couple are visually perfect for how I envisioned the hero and heroine (her tattoo!) and their sexy heat from a sort of tame neck kiss (no one's clothes are off and their hand placement is fairly innocent). The purplish words popping against the dark background and gah, just perfect. I feel like this was truly snapped while they were making out.
12. Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton - I'm convinced this cover just plays Arabian Nights when you look at it because that is all I can hear. I want to pick this cover up because it is seducing me with its promise of adventure.
#7 The Right Kind of Rogue
This cover was, again, too gorgeous for me not to name the winner. It is kind of visually why historical romance is my favorite sub-genre; the pretty dresses, sweeping romance, and fairy tale factor.

Feel free to share your favorite cover in the comments :)
Stay tuned, next category will be Favorite Secondary Character...
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