Sunday, December 22, 2024

Buddy Reading


Another notch added, really enjoyed this buddy read. This hit so good right now, probably haven't done a reread in over ten years, can still say remains an all time favorite and good example of trust building in a relationship. 

Johanna wasn't terrified now; she was determined. She had a sound plan. 
She had Gabriel. 

Shows believing in herself and using her own strength to act but bolstered by the emotions developed between her and Gabriel. 
He's not a crutch but added strength. 
Key romance relationship point! 

Her arms shook as she applied every bit of strength she possessed. And then she suddenly had the strength of twenty. Gabriel reached over her shoulders and placed his hand on top of hers. He waited for permission. She nodded. 
The punishment rod snapped in half. 

Maybe Top Ten romance scene I've read


  1. Oh, how I love this book! And despite some stuff ("it's past midnight, it's tomorrow", consent, what consent?), it holds up quite well.

    1. I think I fell in love with it even more during this buddy read. That last scene when he helps her, GAH. I still tear up, even though I know it's coming and I've read it so many times.

    2. YES.

      Most of all that pause, with Gabriel *waiting* for her to consent to his help. She already has his support, he's standing *behind* her, as she frees herself from that asshole (and the church that props his abuse), and then he still waits until she accepts his help. Every time I think about that, and especially considering *when* it was written... welp, I'm tearing up as I type this.

    3. THE PAUSE

      In the buddy read, I was talking about this is some of what I'm missing in romance right now, if there is a focus on the romantic relationship, especially in histrom, it's all about how the FMC can do it on her own, which Johanna does, in most things, but Gabriel comes in not to be her crutch, but to Support! her. Current times wise, I get it, but this book shows how strong FMC can be written and still deliver on the romance. The women's fiction aspect is erasing that important factor, for me anyway.

      The way Garwood was saying soooo much in this, especially church systems, well, I warmed my hands on the fire and hope current/future histrom writers turn up the heat even more.

    4. From your keyboard to good writers' works.
