Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Reading Update: 25%

He pressed me up against the side of the wall, and kissed me like I hadn’t been kissed in—well, at least a year. The night was cold, but he felt like a furnace. I curled my fingers around the collar of his dark coat and pulled him closer. As close as I could. His hands were warm as his fingers came up to cradle the sides of my face, and we danced in the dark alley while standing still. 

Feeling a certain way about "and we danced in the dark alley while standing still." I love it? But also maybe don't because feeling it's cheesy? My brain can't decide and move on


  1. I'm for "I love it"--because I do; there's a dance in intimacy, so to speak, and the way it's written feels lovely.

    1. Exactly the way I felt when I first read it! Then it started to make me feel like that grief line from Disney's WandaVision "But what is grief, if not love persevering?". That immediately hit hard for me but then felt playing to the crowd-ish?
      Think I'm going to stuff the jadedness that may be interrupting the initial emotion and just enjoy the loveliness :)

    2. I mean, what is art if not a way to move us (aka, manipulate our emotions)?

      And yeah, sometimes it can feel like too-naked an attempt, but I didn't get that from the quote you shared?
