Monday, April 18, 2022

Review: Pregnant with the Billionaire's Baby

Pregnant with the Billionaire's Baby Pregnant with the Billionaire's Baby by Carole Mortimer
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

‘You can’t just kidnap someone against their will!’ 

You sweet summer child, first time in Harlequin Presents? 

Do you! like! exclamation points? It's time! to feast! my friend!


Jacob Sinclair, but he's known as Sin (I love HP) becomes the rescuer outside a restaurant when Luccy (I'll never let go of how it's two Cs) clings to him and pretends they know each other as she's trying to get away from a potential client turned sexual harasser. They end up going to Sin's room and having a night of wild HP sex. Luccy leaves in the morning not sure of her feelings and Sin gets in his feefees over how much he liked her and how could she just slink away?(!) 

Again, because this is HP, turns out Sin is a billionaire grandson who's LLC owns the cosmetic company Luccy has a photography contract with, one that is about up. Sin also owns the hotel that Luccy was having a business meeting at and gets the name of the people who were having dinner, goes to the sexual harasser to find out more about Luccy and gets told that, well, actually, Luccy was trying to hit on him and blackmail him by saying she would tell his wife they slept together unless he hired Luccy. Sin believes this and when he finds out about Luccy's contract almost up, thinks she is going to try and blackmail him with their sleeping together to get a renewed contract with his cosmetic company. Meanwhile, Luccy doesn't even know Sin's identity. The boy needs to majorly check himself. Of course, Luccy finds herself pregnant after their first night together and Sin demands they get married because she carries The Sinclair Heir. 

Anyway, typical HP squabbling, purposeful misunderstandings, and Drama and Emotion. The exclamation point usage, though, was wilding.(!) 

‘Semi-skimmed milk would be healthier than full-fat, Wallace,’ Sin put in decisively. ‘And perhaps you could add some of your wholesome home-made biscuits, too. Anything else you would like, Luccy?’ he asked lightly. 
As an afterthought, Luccy felt sure! ‘No, you seem to have it pretty well covered,’ she answered tartly. 
‘What did I do this time?’ Sin asked once the two of them were outside seated at the green marble table on the terrace, the view incredible, the air warm and clear. 
Her eyes flashed as she looked across at him. ‘You are going to be one of those overprotective prospective fathers!’ 
He gave an unapologetic shrug. ‘I just thought you should eat healthily.’ 
I know what I have to do, Sin!’ 
‘Then why are we arguing about it?’ he pointed out mildly. 
Luccy almost growled in frustration. ‘I thought I had already made it plain that I don’t like being told what to do.’ 
‘Even when it’s in your own best interests?’ 
‘Even then!’ 

You might say, now Whiskey, maybe one or two seem a bit unnecessary, why the pointing out? Imagine the whole story like this though!(!) I was exhausted reading this because of all the ! .(!) I eventually gave up and just deadpanned whenever the characters spoke, even if there was a ! .(!) 

It takes until around the 85% mark until Sin realizes/believes that Luccy wasn't trying to blackmail him and the sexual harasser maybe wasn't a stand-up truth telling dude. Luccy also comes to the conclusion that just because her sister got pregnant young and married because of it and her marriage was bad, that Luccy isn't quite in the same situation and because she loves Sin (why tho'?(!)) it's ok to marry him. A truly all's well that ends well .(!)


  1. You sweet summer child, first time in Harlequin Presents?

    Not gonna lie, I almost did a spit-take here. God bless Presents LOL

    1. I don't know how they make off-the-rails so fun to love and/or hate, but they do!
