Monday, September 2, 2024


I'm halfway through, so I feel secure enough to say that the GRs synopsis needs to be changed. 

I'd forgotten how much it strikes a cord in me to read the words "tricorn" and "greatcoat" 😍 

Also, you're going to want to brush up on the de Moray and Greycourt family beef. It's recapped fine but the beginning could hurt you getting into this as this starts pretty much were the second left off


  1. I definitely need to read the first two in the trilogy before December. ::quivers::

    1. The biggest problem was the name recognition in the beginning, there's a couple thrown at you and I was like "who you??". I think the later on recapping is enough for people but I've read the first two and they're lurking in my mind somewhere, so my prior knowledge could be helping more than I think.
